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The 4 Noble Truths Figurines - Mini Buddha

The 4 Noble Truths Figurines - Mini Buddha

Regula prezo $29.95 USD
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  • Aŭtentika kaj Supera Kvalito
  • 100% Kontento Garantiita
  • Rapida kaj Fidinda Livero

Your suffering isn’t forever.

Suffering exists, it has a cause, it can end, and there is a way to end it. These are the four truths about suffering in Buddhism.

And these four truths are what our mini Buddha figurines represent!

Our “4 Noble Truths Figurines” are cute home decor pieces in the image of the Buddha! Each statue symbolizes the four noble truths.

Display them in your home or workspace and be reminded that there is an end to your suffering!


Buddha Figurines Features

  • Mini Buddha figurines set. Represents important teachings of the Buddha!
  • Premium quality. Each statue is crafted from sturdy purple sand clay!
  • Comes in cute pastel colors. Pink, blue, yellow, and beige!
  • Lovely statues. They make for a visually pleasing decoration indoors and outdoors!


What are The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism?

During his meditation, the Buddha has come to understand the four truths about suffering. In his teachings, he described the four truths as follows:

  • Suffering exists
  • Suffering has a cause
  • Suffering can end
  • There are eight ways to end suffering

To end your suffering, you must acknowledge it exists and get to the root of its cause.

  • Know that suffering can by following the Eightfold Path of Buddhism:
  • Ethics: Right Action, Speech, and Livelihood.
  • Concentration: Right Mindfulness, Effort, and Focus.
  • Wisdom: Right Understanding and Intention.


The 4 Noble Truths Figurines for You

These small Buddha statues aren’t only cute. They are also meaningful figurines that represent these four noble truths!

Get a set of the four noble truths statues and display it in your living room, office shelf, or fairy garden!


Figurine Details

  • Item Type: Figurines
  • Material: Purple Sand Clay
  • Shape: Little Buddha
  • Colors: Pink, Blue, Yellow, Beige
  • Size: 3.5 x 1.5” (8.9 x .38cm)
  • Weight: approx. 0.15lbs (70g)
  • Comes as a set of 4
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Related Terms: the four noble truths statues, small Buddha statue, mini Buddha figurines, little Buddha figurine, miniature Buddha figurines


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Longo: 0.57-0.79" (14.5-20.1mm)
Larĝo: 0.16" (4mm)

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Nia Misio

Ĉe Mabuge Shop, ni celis mildigi viajn zorgojn pri la estonteco por ke vi povu vivi en la momento.

Alportante spiritajn objektojn ŝargitajn per la energio de resanigo, abundo, amo aŭ protekto, ni esperas plenumi viajn intencojn por ke vi povu koncentriĝi pri la nuntempo kaj ĝui ĉiun momenton.

From your Chief Product Experience Officer Yihe Daoren

Hello everyone! I'm Yihe and I'm happy to share with you my hand-picked Feng Shui products. Here's why I'm so excited about them:

1.HANDY SELECTED: I personally select each product to ensure it meets high standards that are right for you. My in-depth knowledge of Feng Shui ensures that the products are not only beautiful, but each product is filled with positive energy.

2.Blessed for You: Each product undergoes a special blessing and energy infusion process by our team. This ensures that you are getting more than just a product, you are also getting a powerful tool for attracting wealth and good luck.

3.UNIQUE AND POWERFUL: Unlike ordinary products, my products are carefully selected and blessed to provide superior Feng Shui benefits. Expect to see your wealth and luck really improve.

I'm passionate about bringing you the best products and can't wait for you to experience the amazing benefits of these bracelets! I am also eager to share my insights into Feng Shui to enhance their positive impact on your life.

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